EMF Time Machine
Current time: Saturday at 2:03 PM
Right now, these were the talks on-stage at EMF in...
Stage | Speaker | Title | |
Stage Alpha | Eireann Leverett | Denial of Surface, Finding Industrial System devices with SHODAN |
Stage Beta | Niloy Mitra | Fun with 3D Geometry |
Stage | Speaker | Title | |
Stage A | Gavan Fantom | Build your own quadrotor from scratch |
Stage B | Libby Miller | The Archers Avoider |
Stage C | Dan W | Walt Disney World: This was supposed to be the future |
Stage | Speaker | Title | |
Stage A | Dave Rowntree | A hacker's guide to satellites |
Stage B | Rebecca Kleinberger | Inside the MIT Media Lab | |
Stage C | Dan Weatherill | photons to electrons: how imaging sensors work from quantum mechanics up |
Stage | Speaker | Title | |
Stage A | Charvy Narain | Why volunteers are unsung heroes of science |
Stage B | Scott Pitkethly | Adventures in DIY Electronic Instruments |
Stage C | Mate Soos | Hacking using SAT and SMT solvers |
Stage | Speaker | Title | |
Stage A | James Bruton, Matt Denton, Ruth Amos | Being YouTubers! |
Stage B | Rupert Callender | What remains? Stories from a radical undertaker |
Stage C | Lightning Talks | Lightning Talks Saturday |
Next up at EMF in
Starts in | Speaker | Title | |
56m | Al Razi Masri | Hexayurt: Free hardware housing for the world | |
26m | Chris Roberts | EMFM, how to make a radio station in a field |
Starts in | Speaker | Title | |
2h 56m | How the Russians did cold-war portable radio | ||
56m | Alex Bellos | How Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life |
41m | Arjen Kamphuis | Introduction to Information Security and Privacy | |
26m | Tom Myers | The softprinter |
Starts in | Speaker | Title | |
56m | Sarah Angliss | The Atomic Gardener |
36m | Phil Pemberton | Inside Datatrak: resurrecting a radio navigation network |
26m | Matt Carroll | Computational Alchemy |
We're not listing talks from Electromagnetic Wave, as all video footage was lost in a shipping accident.