EMF Time Machine

Current time: Sunday at 2:27 AM

Next up at EMF in


Starts in Speaker Title
8h 32m Kate Miltner The Deeper Meaning Of LOLCats: Learnings From The Academic Study Of The Internet's Favorite Meme Has video
8h 32m Spencer Freebase, god, and the semantic web


Starts in Speaker Title
8h 32m Hadley Beeman DIY Physio for Geeks
8h 32m Greg Fragkos Point Of Sale Device tricks: You could…live for free!
8h 32m Peter Sewell Why are computers so @#!*, and what can we do about it? Has video
8h 32m Derek Scuffell How to catch a cat burglar with a Slice of Pi Has video


Starts in Speaker Title
7h 32m Laurie James Ragequit! Game design principles for better online communities. Has video
7h 42m Caroline Arkenson How we created a hackathon with 50/50 female and male participants Has video
7h 32m Tom Oinn Holonomic robots, and why you should build one Has video


Starts in Speaker Title
7h 32m Robert Karpinski Life after Robot Wars Has video
7h 32m Gianluca Memoli Shaping sound Has video
7h 32m Lightning Talks Lightning Talks Sunday Has video


Starts in Speaker Title
7h 32m Dan Nixon Announcing the EMF schedule like it's the 80s Has video
7h 32m Tom O’Connor and Hugh Wells Fluroclock - the clock made from fluorescent tubes
7h 32m Caroline Graham How I set up a CoderDojo and Started a Coding Community in my Town Has video

We're not listing talks from Electromagnetic Wave, as all video footage was lost in a shipping accident.