Sense without sight / blind navigation hands-on workshop

Workshop by Sai (they)

Saturday from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Sense Without Sight meeting point

This workshop has the following content notes:
For sighted people, especially autists, this can be sensory overload. Tell me in the sign-up form and live, and I can help reduce that. It takes about 1–1.5h for most people to start to acclimatise; cutting it short is likely to result in a bad experience, but of course you can stop whenever you choose.There is some risk of minor injury from e.g. walking into something with your face, stumbling, etc. That's happened to only 1 person so far of almost 200 I've taught, and I have multiple safeguards, but it can't be 100% safe.

Take a walk with me through camp — blindfolded, with one of my guide canes — and sense the world like I do: using air currents, heat, sound, echolocation, ground texture, wind shadow, and more. It's a unique, permanent sensory upgrade you can still use when sighted. Details of what to expect: Starting location is between the cluster of 4 trees south of the lounge: Timing: The times listed in the conference schedule are not real — they're only a placeholder. I expect to do 1 a day, Thursday through Sunday. I'll email you as soon as I'm able (which might be day-of), to tell you when to come after I decide actual times — based on responses to the sign-up form, group coordination, my own schedule & spoons, brightness, & weather. I am not likely to be able to do more than 1/day other than for special circumstances, nor before twilight, but that's TBD. ## Mandatory: * Sign up using the form at * Be completely sober. * Have at least 1.5 hours free (preferably 2). * Watch my CCC talk about this: You'll learn much more if we can focus on what I can't show in the talk. ## Very strongly encouraged: * Bring a friend or prior participant to act as your assistant, and sign up as one to pass it on to others. The two experiences are very different, and are both valuable — and I can't teach as many people simultaneously without help. * Pee, drink, and wash your hands beforehand. * Wear clothing that leaves head and arms uncovered, and thin shoes that let you feel the ground. * Give feedback afterwards at * Use a group coordination code on the sign-up form to get scheduled with your friends etc. ## Special: I may run additional bespoke workshops, at different times, if you: 1. have visual impairment that may benefit from cane use, whether or not you've had O&M; 2. have other disabilities that would benefit from doing this 1-on-1 (e.g. Deaf or wheelchair user); 3. work professionally with cane users or in very low visibility environments; 4. are part of EMF staff, volunteers, etc.; 5. can video record the workshop (e.g. stabilised GoPro), or participate on camera; or 6. have some other good reason for me to do an extra session or in a bespoke manner. If any of that applies to you, please indicate it on the sign-up form, and include all times that could work for you — including day 0 (Thursday). ## Weather If it's raining, or the ground is still muddy from recent rain, the workshop will be cancelled. There's one exception: if you have visual impairment, it's still on. (You need to know how to get around no matter what the weather is.)

Attending this workshop will cost Before & after online surveys so I can assess the effects. No monetary payment required (though donations welcome).
Suitable age range 16+
Attendees should bring Bring your own full coverage sleep mask / blindfold if you can. I'll have ones you can use, but I can't resanitise them during camp.

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