Activism in Games, plus a Hopepunk RPG (Role-Playing Game)

Talk by Jennifer Estaris (she/her) ⚠️ 👩‍👩‍👧

Sunday from 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM in Stage A

This talk has the following content notes:
The activity will include talk about game combat.

Resistance, systemic change, and our sustainable future can – and must – be playful! To quote the activism artist group Guerilla Girls: “If you can make someone who disagrees with you laugh, you're in their brain, and you can change minds.” The speaker will begin by sharing her journey in social impact games and its landscape, focusing on activism initiatives in games. She will draw examples primarily from the UN’s Playing for the Planet’s Green Game Jam which includes ustwo games’ Monument Valley 2's The Lost Forest. Surveys from the jam reveal how games can spur positive actions in real life. Then we take action -- through play. In this RPG-lite / communal storytelling experience curated by the speaker, a few volunteers will take on special roles to battle a dragon turned to the darkside. We’ll meet in our imaginary tavern and adventure together to save the world! Let’s play and change the world together.

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