Diversity stats for 2018

Note on limitations

This data is compiled from self reporting via free-text fields. Where obvious classification can be made it has been (e.g. for age '22' -> '15-24') but if such a classification cannot be made they've been grouped as 'other'.

All questions were optional so totals may not be consistent between categories.

Prior to 2024 there was no tracking of reviewer or speaker data.


Count Percent of respondents
No response 224 25%
Female 150 17%
Male 481 54%
Other 37 4%
Total 892 100%


Count Percent of respondents
No response 334 37%
Anglosphere 99 11%
Both 191 21%
Other 91 10%
White 176 20%
Total 891 100%


Count Percent of respondents
No response 221 25%
0-14 2 0%
15-24 104 12%
25-34 247 28%
35-44 190 21%
45-54 91 10%
55-64 30 3%
65+ 7 1%
Other 5 1%
Total 897 100%